논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-12 Deep ocean warming-induced El Niño changes Nature Communications
2024-07 The associations of Tibetan Plateau spring snow cover with East Asian summer monsoon rainfall before and after 1990 Frontiers in Earth Science
2024-07 Hysteresis of European summer precipitation under a symmetric CO2 ramp-up and ramp-down pathway Environmental Research Letters
2024-06 Local feedback and ENSO govern decadal changes in variability and seasonal synchronization of the Indian Ocean Dipole Communications Earth & Environment
2024-06 North Atlantic Warming Hole Modulates Interhemispheric Asymmetry of Future Temperature and Precipitation Earths Future
2024-06 Fast reduction of Atlantic SST threatens Europe-wide gross primary productivity under positive and negative CO<sub>2</sub> emissions npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
2024-05 Basin-dependent response of Northern Hemisphere winter blocking frequency to CO<sub>2</sub> removal npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
2024-04 Hemispheric asymmetric response of tropical cyclones to CO2 emission reduction npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
2024-04 Decreased Indian Ocean Dipole variability under prolonged greenhouse warming Nature Communications
2024-04 Understanding climate changes in East Asia and Europe based on spatial climate analogs Environmental Research Letters
2024-01 Possible impact of north atlantic sea surface temperature on decadal variability of dust activity in gobi desert Environmental Research Communications
2023-12 Emergent constraints on future extreme precipitation intensification: from global to continental scales Weather and Climate Extremes
2023-11 Ocean fronts as decadal thermostats modulating continental warming hiatus Nature Communications
2023-11 Seasonally distinct contributions of greenhouse gases and anthropogenic aerosols to historical changes in Arctic moisture budget npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
2023-10 Constraining the First Year of Ice-Free Arctic: Importance of Regional Perspective Earths Future
2023-09 Climate sensitivity controls global precipitation hysteresis in a changing CO2 pathway npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
2023-09 Exploring dominant processes for multi-month predictability of western Pacific precipitation using deep learning npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
2023-09 Exploring the ability of the variable-resolution Community Earth System Model to simulate cryospheric-hydrological variables in High Mountain Asia Cryosphere
2023-08 Influence of ENSO on Tropospheric Ozone Variability in East Asia Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
2023-08 ENSO skewness hysteresis and associated changes in strong El Nino under a CO2 removal scenario npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
2023-08 Hysteresis of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation to CO2 forcing Science Advances
2023-07 Main drivers of Indian Ocean Dipole asymmetry revealed by a simple IOD model npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
2023-07 Distinct decadal modulation of Atlantic-Niño influence on ENSO npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
2023-07 Hemispherically asymmetric Hadley cell response to CO2 removal Science Advances
2023-07 Hysteretic Behavior of Global to Regional Monsoon Area Under CO2 Ramp-Up and Ramp-Down Earths Future
2023-07 An assessment of the ENSO-monsoon teleconnection in a warming climate npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
2023-07 MJO in Different Orbital Regimes: Role of the Mean State in the MJO's Amplitude during Boreal Winter Journal of Climate
2023-06 Increase in convective extreme El Niño events in a CO2 removal scenario Science advances
2023-06 Impact of volcanic eruptions on extratropical atmospheric circulations: review, revisit and future directions Environmental Research Letters
2023-06 Hysteresis and irreversibility of global extreme precipitation to anthropogenic CO2 emission Weather and Climate Extremes
2023-04 Regime shift increase in East Asia&#039;s summer extreme hot day frequency across the late 1990s International Journal of Climatology
2023-03 North Atlantic Oscillation impact on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation shaped by the mean state npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
2023-02 Two regimes of inter-basin interactions between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans on interannual timescales npj Climate and Atmospheric Science
2023-01 Southern Ocean Control of 2°C Global Warming in Climate Models Earth's Future
2022-12 Probabilistic projections of El Niño Southern Oscillation properties accounting for model dependence and skill Scientific Reports
2022-11 Atmosphere-driven cold SST biases over the western North Pacific in the GloSea5 seasonal forecast system Climate Dynamics
2022-10 Dynamics of Two Distinct Subseasonal Growth Mechanisms of the North Pacific Oscillation Journal of Climate
2022-09 Unravelling global patterns of irreversible climate change NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE
2022-09 Hysteresis Behaviors in East Asian Extreme Precipitation Frequency to CO2 Pathway Geophysical Research Letters
2022-09 Widespread irreversible changes in surface temperature and precipitation in response to CO2 forcing Nature Climate Change
2022-09 How explosive volcanic eruptions reshape daily precipitation distributions Weather and Climate Extremes
2022-09 Role of the Bay of Bengal warming in the Indian summer monsoon rainfall trend CLIMATE DYNAMICS
2022-08 Role of the Tibetan plateau glaciers in the Asian summer monsoon Climatic Change
2022-08 Centennial Memory of the Arctic Ocean for Future Arctic Climate Recovery in Response to a Carbon Dioxide Removal Earths Future
2022-08 A low-order dynamical model for fire-vegetation-climate interactions Environmental Research Letters
2022-07 General circulation and global heat transport in a quadrupling CO2 pulse experiment Scientific Reports
2022-07 Increased Indian Ocean-North Atlantic Ocean warming chain under greenhouse warming Nature Communications
2022-07 Internal Climate Variability in the Present Climate and the Change in ENSO Amplitude in Future Climate Simulations Frontiers in Climate
2022-07 Influence of retreating Barents-Kara sea ice on the periodicity of El Nino-Southern Oscillation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY
2022-07 Role of tropical lower stratosphere winds in quasi-biennial oscillation disruptions Science Advances
2022-06 Contrasting Hysteresis Behaviors of Northern Hemisphere Land Monsoon Precipitation to CO2 Pathways Earths Future
2022-03 Intensity changes of Indian Ocean dipole mode in a carbon dioxide removal scenario Npj climate and atmospheric science
2022-02 Slow and soft passage through tipping point of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in a changing climate Npj climate and atmospheric science
2022-01 Asymmetrical response of summer rainfall in East Asia to CO2 forcing Science Bulletin
2022-01 Hysteresis of the intertropical convergence zone to CO2 forcing NATURE CLIMATE CHANGE
2021-12 Mean sea surface temperature changes influence ENSO-related precipitation changes in the mid-latitudes NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2021-10 A flexible data-driven cyclostationary model for the probability density of El Nino-Southern Oscillation CHAOS
2021-10 Contrasting response of hydrological cycle over land and ocean to a changing CO2 pathway Npj climate and atmospheric science
2021-08 The role of the background meridional moisture gradient on the propagation of the MJO over the maritime continent JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2021-07 Decadal phase shift of summertime Arctic dipole pattern and its nonlinear effect on sea ice extent INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY
2021-07 Global Cooling Hiatus Driven by an AMOC Overshoot in a Carbon Dioxide Removal Scenario Earths Future
2021-07 Role of the climatological intertropical convergence zone in the seasonal footprinting mechanism of El Niño-Southern Oscillation JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2021-07 Seasonal gap theory for ENSO phase locking JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2021-06 Feedback processes modulating the sensitivity of atlantic thermohaline circulation to freshwater forcing timescales JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2021-06 Seesawing of Winter Temperature Extremes between East Asia and North America JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2021-01 A novel approach for discovering stochastic models behind data applied to El Niño–Southern Oscillation SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2021-01 Timescale-dependent AMOC–AMO relationship in an earth system model of intermediate complexity INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY
2021-01 A low order dynamical model for runoff predictability CLIMATE DYNAMICS
2021-01 Rate-Dependent Hysteresis of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation System and Its Asymmetric Loop GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2021-01 Mid-latitude leading double-dip La Niña INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY
2020-10 Diversity of North Pacific Meridional Mode and Its Distinct Impacts on El Nino-Southern Oscillation GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2020-10 Changes in the role of Pacific decadal oscillation on sea ice extent variability across the mid-1990s SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2020-10 Fokker-Planck dynamics of the El Nino-Southern Oscillation SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2020-09 Comparison of past and future simulations of ENSO in CMIP5/PMIP3 and CMIP6/PMIP4 models CLIMATE OF THE PAST
2020-07 A global-scale multidecadal variability driven by Atlantic multidecadal oscillation National Science Review
2020-06 The internal origin of the west-east asymmetry of Antarctic climate change SCIENCE ADVANCES
2020-05 Characteristics of the north Pacific Oscillation in CMIP5 models in relation to atmospheric mean states JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2020-04 Arctic Sea Ice Loss as a Potential Trigger for Central Pacific El Nino Events GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2020-02 Untangling El Niño-La Niña Asymmetries Using a Nonlinear Coupled Dynamic Index GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2019-12 Robust opposite-changing tendency between the thermal advection damping by mean current and thermo-dynamical damping of ENSO Feedback in a changing climate INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY
2019-11 Improved probabilistic twenty-first century projections of sea surface temperature over East Asian marginal seas by considering uncertainty owing to model error and internal variability CLIMATE DYNAMICS
2019-09 Role of the western hemisphere warm pool in climate variability over the western North Pacific CLIMATE DYNAMICS
2019-08 Impact of North Atlantic Freshwater Forcing on the Pacific Meridional Overturning Circulation under Glacial and Interglacial Conditions JOURNAL OF CLIMATE
2019-07 A novel method to test non-exclusive hypotheses applied to Arctic ice projections from dependent models NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2019-04 Accounting for skill in trend, variability, and autocorrelation facilitates better multi-model projections: Application to the AMOC and temperature time series PLOS ONE
2019-04 Western North Pacific anticyclone change associated with the El Niño–Indian Ocean Dipole coupling INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY
2018-12 Stilt: Easy emulation of time series AR(1) computer model output in multidimensional parameter space R JOURNAL
2018-07 El Nino-Southern Oscillation complexity NATURE
2018-06 North Atlantic observations sharpen meridional overturning projections CLIMATE DYNAMICS
2018-05 Origin of early-spring central Pacific warming as the 1982-1983 El Nino precursor INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY
2018-05 ENSO Transition Asymmetry: Internal and External Causes and Intermodel Diversity GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2018-05 Feedback process responsible for the suppression of ENSO activity during the mid-Holocene THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY
2018-05 Impact of Pacific Decadal Oscillation on Frequency Asymmetry of El Nio and La Nia Events ADVANCES IN ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
2018-04 Changes in ENSO Activity During the Last 6,000 Years Modulated by Background Climate State GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS
2018-03 ENSO Atmospheric Teleconnections and Their Response to Greenhouse Gas Forcing REVIEWS OF GEOPHYSICS
2018-02 Interdecadal Change in the Relationship Between the North Pacific Oscillation and the Pacific Meridional Mode and Its Impact on ENSO ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
2018-02 Projected Heat Wave Characteristics over the Korean Peninsula During the Twenty-First Century ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES
2017-12 Interannual variability of western North Pacific SST anomalies and its impact on North Pacific and North America CLIMATE DYNAMICS
2017-11 Impact of ENSO on East Asian winter monsoon during interglacial periods: effect of orbital forcing CLIMATE DYNAMICS