논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-08 Cosmetic patent and female invention PLoS ONE
2024-07 Green efficiency strategy considering cyclical relationships among CO2 emissions, green patents, and green bonds Journal of Cleaner Production
2024-06 Assessment framework for automotive suppliers' technological adaptability in the electric vehicle era Technological Forecasting and Social Change
2024-02 Identifying Guarantors of War Veterans Using Robust-SEAL: A Case of the Korean War Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
2024-02 Assistive Technology: By or for Mainstream Technology? A Case of Visual Impairments IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
2024-01 Convergence Technology Opportunity Discovery for Firms Based on Technology Portfolio Using the Stacked Denoising AutoEncoder (SDAE) IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
2023-11 CTM and QFD analysis: Framework for fintech adoption priority in commercial banks PLoS ONE
2023-11 Perceived Importance of Intellectual Property Protection Methods by Korean SMEs Involved in Product Innovation and Their Value Appropriation Journal of Small Business Management
2023-08 Processing-in-Memory Development Strategy for AI Computing Using Main-Path and Doc2Vec Analyses Sustainability (Switzerland)
2023-08 A firm's creation of proprietary knowledge linked to the knowledge spilled over from its research publications: the case of artificial intelligence Industrial and Corporate Change
2023-07 Alpha-factor integrated risk parity portfolio strategy in global equity fund of funds International Review of Financial Analysis
2023-06 Digital Therapeutics Product Repositioning via Multiplex Link Prediction Based on Genomic, Chemical, and Technological Information IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics
2023-04 Cost-Benefit Analysis to Assess the Effectiveness of an External Airbag and Autonomous Emergency Braking System IEEE Access
2023-02 Mission Efficiency Analysis of For-Profit Microfinance Institutions with Categorical Output Variables Sustainability (Switzerland)
2023-02 Effect of an open patent pool strategy on technology innovation in terms of creating shared value Technological Forecasting and Social Change
2023-01 Firms’ influence on the evolution of published knowledge when a science-related technology emerges: the case of artificial intelligence Journal of Evolutionary Economics
2023-01 Exploring new digital therapeutics technologies for psychiatric disorders using BERTopic and PatentSBERTa Technological Forecasting and Social Change
2022-12 우수 의약품 제조 기준 위반 패턴 인식을 위한 연관규칙과 텍스트 마이닝 기반 t-SNE분석 품질경영학회지
2022-08 Recommendation of investment portfolio for peer-to-peer lending with additional consideration of bidding period Annals of Operations Research
2022-08 Novel method for detection of mixed-type defect patterns in wafer maps based on a single shot detector algorithm JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING
2022-05 A credit scoring model based on the Myers–Briggs type indicator in online peer-to-peer lending Financial Innovation
2021-12 Evaluating borrowers’ default risk with a spatial probit model reflecting the distance in their relational network PLOS ONE
2021-12 Multitask learning for health condition identification and remaining useful life prediction: deep convolutional neural network approach JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING
2021-08 Recommending blue ocean technologies for subcontractors: A framework based on business reports of prime contractors and patents PLOS ONE
2021-06 Patenting trends in biometric technology of the Big Five patent offices World Patent Information
2021-05 Patent data based search framework for IT R&D employees for convergence technology SCIENTOMETRICS
2021-05 Mapping and identifying technological coopetition: a multi-level approach SCIENTOMETRICS
2021-05 Predicting future technological convergence patterns based on machine learning using link prediction SCIENTOMETRICS
2021-04 Graph convolutional network-based credit default prediction utilizing three types of virtual distances among borrowers EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
2021-04 Cost–benefit model for multi-generational high-technology products to compare sequential innovation strategy with quality strategy PLOS ONE
2021-03 품질지표기반 정치 후원금 지원을 위한 국회의원 추천시스템 연구 품질경영학회지
2021-01 Recommendation system for technology convergence opportunities based on self-supervised representation learning SCIENTOMETRICS
2020-11 Patent clustering and network analyses to explore nuclear waste management technologies ENERGY POLICY
2020-10 Hybrid neural network with cost-sensitive support vector machine for class-imbalanced multimodal data NEURAL NETWORKS
2020-09 Early detection of valuable patents using a deep learning model: Case of semiconductor industry TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE
2020-08 A large-scale data-based investigation on the relationship between bad weather and taxi tipping JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY
2020-08 Machine-learning-based deep semantic analysis approach for forecastingnew technology convergence TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE
2020-07 Patent-based framework for assisting entrepreneurial firms’ R&D partner selection: Leveraging their limited resources and managing the tension between learning and protection JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT
2020-06 누적합 관리도를 활용한 생활인구 이상치 탐색 품질경영학회지
2020-04 Optimal location-allocation model for the installation of rooftop sports facilities in metropolitan areas EUROPEAN SPORT MANAGEMENT QUARTERLY
2020-03 Recommendation of startups as technology cooperation candidates from the perspectives of similarity and potential: A deep learning approach DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS
2020-02 Comparing spatial patterns of sole proprietorship and corporate payday lenders in Seoul, Korea ANNALS OF REGIONAL SCIENCE
2019-12 Identifying innovation in socialist countries through patent analysis focused on Cuba and Vietnam World Patent Information
2019-11 Exploring the forward citation patterns of patents based on the evolution of technology fields JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS
2019-09 Graph convolutional network approach applied to predict hourly bike-sharing demands considering spatial, temporal, and global effects PLOS ONE
2019-08 Recommendation of feeder bus routes using neural network embedding-based optimization TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A-POLICY AND PRACTICE
2019-03 Global stock market investment strategies based on financial network indicators using machine learning techniques EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS
2019-02 Disparities in exploitative and exploratory patenting performance across regions: Focusing on the roles of agglomeration externalities PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE
2019-02 Engineering graduate students’ views on the effective ownership of academic patents JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER
2019-01 Discovering emerging business ideas based on crowdfunded software projects DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS
2018-12 License choice in open 3D printing content community: Are current license options sufficient? TELEMATICS AND INFORMATICS
2018-09 Technological composition of US metropolitan statistical areas with high-impact patents TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE
2018-08 Word2vec algorithm 기반 뉴스 기사에 나타난 성별 관련 어휘 규명 연구 대한산업공학회지
2018-08 A novel decomposition analysis of green patent applications for the evaluation of R&D efforts to reduce CO2 emissions from fossil fuel energy consumption JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION
2018-07 Effects of standardization on the evolution of information and communications technology TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE
2018-05 Spatial association of public sports facilities with body mass index in Korea GEOSPATIAL HEALTH
2018-05 Term Discrimination for Text Search Tasks Derived from Negative Binomial Distribution INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT
2018-04 Forecasting new product diffusion using both patent citation and web search traffic PLOS ONE
2018-03 Utilizing mobile phone-based floating population data to measure the spatial accessibility to public transit APPLIED GEOGRAPHY
2018-03 A novel approach to explore patent development paths for subfield technologies JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
2018-02 지리가중라소 모형을 활용한 서울시 빈집 발생 영향요인 탐색 연구 대한산업공학회지
2017-11 An optimization approach for the placement of bicycle-sharing stations to reduce short car trips: An application to the city of Seoul TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART A-POLICY AND PRACTICE
2017-11 Competing Risk Model for Predicting Stabilization Period of University Spin-Off Ventures INTERNATIONAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL
2017-10 지리 가중 회귀모델을 이용한 서울시내 소형교회 공간분포 특성 연구 대한지리학회지
2017-10 What makes the first forward citation of a patent occur earlier? SCIENTOMETRICS
2017-09 Quantitative Analysis of a Half-Century of K-Pop Songs: Association Rule Analysis of Lyrics and Social Network Analysis of Singers and Composers JOURNAL OF POPULAR MUSIC STUDIES
2017-09 A Credit Scoring Model for SMEs Based on Accounting Ethics SUSTAINABILITY
2017-09 A Cost Benefit Analysis to Assess the Effectiveness of Frontal Center Curtain Airbag SUSTAINABILITY
2017-09 Identifying Emerging Trends of Financial Business Method Patents SUSTAINABILITY
2017-09 Exploring the effect of dual use on the value of military technology patents based on the renewal decision SCIENTOMETRICS
2017-08 외국인 증가와 주거이동과의 공간 상관관계 분석 국토계획
2017-07 Taxi vacancy duration: a regression analysis TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AND TECHNOLOGY
2017-06 Technology Credit Scoring Based on a Quantification Method Sustainability
2017-06 Analyzing research trends in personal information privacy using topic modeling COMPUTERS & SECURITY
2017-05 What matters in technology leakage in small and mediumenterprises: the case of Korea TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT
2017-05 Comparison of technology efficiency for CO2 emissions reduction among European countries based on DEA with decomposed factors JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION
2017-04 R&D Partner Selection in ICT Industry Associated with Platform Technology Dominance International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship
2017-04 미국 대통령 예비선거에 적용한 시공간 의존성을 고려한 자기로지스틱 회귀모형 연구 응용통계연구
2017-04 공급적정성 및 서비스 효용성 평가를 기반한 도보권 근린공원의 최적입지 선정 국토계획
2017-03 Firms’ Negative Perceptions on Patents, Technology Management Strategies, and Subsequent Performance Sustainability
2017-03 Identifying the trends in wound-healing patents for successful investment strategies PLOS ONE
2017-03 Optimal location selection for the installation of urban green roofs considering honeybee habitats along with socio-economic and environmental effects JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT
2017-01 Demand Forecasting for Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines Considering Emission Regulations Sustainability
2016-12 Control Chart Application to Monitoring MFI's Mission Change for Women Borrowers under Adverse Economy INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING-THEORY APPLICATIONS AND PRACTICE
2016-11 Relationships between nutrient patterns and geodemographic characteristics in Korea NUTRITION & DIETETICS
2016-11 Patent Portfolio-based Indicators to Evaluate the Commercial Benefits of National Plant Genetic Resources ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
2016-10 Patent Network Analysis and Quadratic Assignment Procedures to Identify the Convergence of Robot Technologies PLOS ONE
2016-10 concept design of commercial diesel engines reflecting customer preference INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF VEHICLE DESIGN
2016-07 Adaptive conjoint analysis for the vitalisation of angel investments by entrepreneurs TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT
2016-06 Technology credit scoring model with fuzzy logistic regression APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING
2016-05 Beyond absorptive capacity in open innovation process: the relationships between openness, capacities and firm performance TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT
2016-05 Technological convergence in standards for information and communication technologies TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE
2016-04 공간가중회귀 모형을 이용한 서울시 에너지 소비에 따른 이산화탄소 배출 분석 대한산업공학회지
2016-04 Re-evaluation of Global Innovation Index based on a Structural Equation Model TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT
2016-04 Quantifying technology?industry spillover effects based on patent citation network analysis of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE
2016-03 Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process applied to technology credit scorecard considering entrepreneurs’ psychological and behavioral attributes JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS
2016-02 Evaluating the patenting activities of pharmaceutical research organizations based on new technology indices JOURNAL OF INFORMETRICS
2015-12 Patent network based conjoint analysis for wearable device TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE