논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-05 Curved Plasmonic Devices for Flexibility: Modeling, Fabrication, and Characterization IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics
2024-03 Probing Temperature-Induced Plasmonic Nonlinearity: Unveiling Opto-Thermal Effects on Light Absorption and Near-Field Enhancement Nano Letters
2023-12 Superresolution structured illumination microscopy reconstruction algorithms: a review Light: Science and Applications
2023-10 Deep Learning Approach for the Localization and Analysis of Surface Plasmon Scattering Sensors
2023-10 Face photo-sketch recognition based on multi-directional line features projection Neural Computing and Applications
2023-09 Defocused imaging-based quantification of plasmon-induced distortion of single emitter emission Light: Science & Applications
2023-09 Optimized segmented cladding fiber for extreme large mode area using latin hypercube sampling Optics Communications
2023-08 Human Activity Recognition via Score Level Fusion of Wi-Fi CSI Signals Sensors
2022-12 라만 기반 치매 모델의 뇌조직 분광 특성 측정 한국광학회지
2022-11 Super-resolved three-dimensional near-field mapping by defocused imaging and tracking of fluorescent emitters NANOPHOTONICS
2022-10 Deep learning based approach on interferometric plasmonic microscopy images for efficient detection of nanoparticle Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
2022-09 Machine learning and its applications for plasmonics in biology Cell Reports Physical Science
2022-05 Bend-resistant octo-wing silica segmented cladding fiber with high index rings RESULTS IN PHYSICS
2022-04 Label-free detection of single nanoparticles with disordered nanoisland surface plasmon sensor NANOTECHNOLOGY
2022-04 Development of a Pumpless Microfluidic System to Study the Interaction between Gut Microbes and Intestinal Epithelial Cells BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOPROCESS ENGINEERING
2022-03 Planar segmentation for curved surface plasmon resonance Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE
2022-03 Thermal extinction and image misregistration on metallic nanowire arrays Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
2022-02 Nanospeckle illumination microscopy via randomly localized near-field speckle by nanocomposite islands Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE
2022-02 Disordered plasmonic substrate-based wide-field super-resolution imaging Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE
2021-12 Microtechnology-based in vitro models: Mimicking liver function and pathophysiology APL Bioengineering
2021-11 Silica segmented cladding fiber design and its fabrication using a powder-in-tube technique JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY
2021-10 Super-resolved Raman microscopy using random structured light illumination: Concept and feasibility JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS
2021-09 Machine learning-based leaky momentum prediction of plasmonic random nanosubstrate OPTICS EXPRESS
2021-09 A Gut-Brain Axis-on-a-Chip for studying transport across epithelial and endothelial barriers JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY
2021-08 Effectiveness of high curvature segmentation on the curved flexible surface plasmon resonance OPTICS EXPRESS
2021-08 Disordered Nanocomposite Islands for Nanospeckle Illumination Microscopy in Wide-Field Super-Resolution Imaging ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS
2021-07 Plasmon-enhanced fluorescence correlation spectroscopy for super-localized detection of nanoscale subcellular dynamics BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS
2021-06 Palm-Vein Verification Using Images From the Visible Spectrum IEEE Access
2021-05 A Smartphone-Based Fourier Ptychographic Microscope Using the Display Screen for Illumination ACS PHOTONICS
2021-05 In vitro hepatic steatosis model based on gut–liver-on-a-chip BIOTECHNOLOGY PROGRESS
2021-04 Wi-Fi Based User Identification Using In-Air Handwritten Signature IEEE Access
2021-04 Nanoslot metasurface design and characterization for enhanced organic light-emitting diode SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2021-03 Dispersive effects on a diffractive optical element Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
2021-03 Machine learning improves the way to design meta-plasmonic biosensors Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE
2021-03 Tip-based measurement of the spectral and angular response of plasmonic thin films Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
2020-12 Surface Plasmon Localization-Based Super-resolved Raman Microscopy NANO LETTERS
2020-12 Plasmon-stimulated biophotovoltaic cells based on thylakoid–AuNR conjugates JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A
2020-12 Surface Plasmon Localization-Based Super-resolved Raman Microscopy NANO LETTERS
2020-12 Dispersive effects in imaging polarimetry based on a wire-grid polarizer SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2020-11 Characterization of surface plasmon resonance detection based on the colocalization effect inside metallic nanogap Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
2020-09 Machine learning-based design of meta-plasmonic biosensors with negative index metamaterials BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS
2019-12 Electrocatalytic glycerol oxidation enabled by surface plasmon polariton-induced hot carriers in Kretschmann configuration NANOSCALE
2019-12 Enhanced surface plasmon microscopy based on multi-channel spatial light switching for label-free neuronal imaging BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS
2019-09 Experimental confirmation of plasmonic field cancellation under specific conditions of trapezoidal nanopatterns OPTICS EXPRESS
2019-08 Deep Learning Approach for Enhanced Detection of Surface Plasmon Scattering ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY
2019-03 Superlocalized Three-Dimensional Live Imaging of Mitochondrial Dynamics in Neurons Using Plasmonic Nanohole Arrays ACS NANO
2019-03 Super-resolution Photoacoustic Microscopy Using Near-Field Localization by a Plasmonic Metal Nanoaperture: A Simulation Study IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS
2019-02 Spatially switched near field distribution using plasmonic random nanoislands Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE
2019-02 Thermal properties and extinction of a wire-grid polarizer Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
2019-02 Effective optical properties of nanoparticle-mediated surface plasmon resonance sensors OPTICS EXPRESS
2018-10 Enhancing the Performance of Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor via Modulation of Electron Density at the Graphene-Gold Interface ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES
2018-10 Microscale heat transfer and thermal extinction of a wire-grid polarizer SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2018-08 Label-free quantification of cell-to-substrate separation by surface plasmon resonance microscopy OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS
2018-05 Metallic 3D Random Nanocomposite Islands For Near-Field Spatial Light Switching ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS
2018-02 Surface plasmon microscopy by spatial light switching for label-free imaging with enhanced resolution OPTICS LETTERS
2017-12 Plasmon-Coupled Whispering Gallery Modes on Nanodisk Arrays for Signal Enhancements SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2017-11 Effect of Nanogap-Based Light-Matter Colocalization on the Surface Plasmon Resonance Detection JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY
2017-10 Molecular overlap with optical near-fields based on plasmonic nanolithography for ultrasensitive label-free detection by light-matter colocalization BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS
2017-09 Magnetic resonance electrical properties tomography for small anomalies using boundary conditions: A simulation study MEDICAL PHYSICS
2017-04 Blazed wire-grid polarizer for plasmon-enhanced polarization extinction: design and analysis OPTICS EXPRESS
2017-01 Graphene Oxide Shells on Plasmonic Nanostructures Lead to High-Performance Photovoltaics: A Model Study Based on Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells ACS Energy Letters
2016-05 Curvature effects on flexible surface plasmon resonance biosensing: segmented-wave analysis OPTICS EXPRESS
2016-03 Plasmonic signal enhancements using randomly distributed nanoparticles on a stochastic nanostructure substrate APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY REVIEWS
2016-03 Microfluidic assay-based optical measurement techniques for cell analysis: A review of recent progress BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS
2016-02 Detection of Single Nanoparticles Using the Dissipative Interaction in a High-Q Microcavity PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED
2015-12 Enhanced anti-tumor efficacy and safety profile of tumor microenvironment-responsive oncolytic adenovirus nanocomplex by systemic administration ACTA BIOMATERIALIA
2015-12 Sub-10 nm near-field localization by plasmonic metal nanoaperture arrays with ultrashort light pulses SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2015-11 Three-dimensional superlocalization imaging of gliding Mycoplasma mobile by extraordinary light transmission through arrayed nanoholes ACS NANO
2015-07 Localization-based full-field microscopy: how to attain super-resolved images SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2015-01 Systematic Study on the Sensitivity Enhancement in Graphene Plasmonic Sensors Based on Layer-by-Layer Self-Assembled Graphene Oxide Multi layers and Their Reduced Analogues ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES
2014-11 Surface plasmon-enhanced nanoscopy of intracellular cytoskeletal actin filaments using random nanodot arrays OPTICS EXPRESS
2014-11 Probabilistic evaluation of surface-enhanced localized surface plasmon resonance biosensing OPTICS EXPRESS
2014-08 A microfluidic device for evaluating the dynamics of the metabolism-dependent antioxidant activity of nutrients LAB ON A CHIP
2014-04 Revolutionizing the FRET-Based Light Emission in Core-Shell Nanostructures via Comprehensive Activity of Surface Plasmons SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2014-04 A Protoberberine Derivative HWY336 Selectively Inhibits MKK4 and MKK7 in Mammalian Cells: The Importance of Activation Loop on Selectivity PLOS ONE
2014-03 Effect of coupled graphene oxide on the sensitivity of surface plasmon resonance detection APPLIED OPTICS
2014-01 Self-aligned colocalization of 3D plasmonic nanogap arrays for ultra-sensitive surface plasmon resonance detection BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS
2014-01 Extraordinary transmission-based plasmonic nanoarrays for axially super-resolved cell imaging ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS
2013-12 Configuration-controlled Au nanocluster arrays on inverse micelle nano-patterns: versatile platforms for SERS and SPR sensors NANOSCALE
2013-11 Notch spatial filtering of image artifacts for structured illumination microscopy of cell-based assays OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS
2013-04 근접장-분자반응 간의 중첩을 이용한 표면 플라스몬 공명 센서 감도 평가에 관한 연구 한국광학회지
2013-03 Enhanced detection of virus particles by nanoisland-based localized surface plasmon resonance BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS
2013-01 "A simple and efficient strategy for the sensitivity enhancement of DNA hybridization based on the coupling between propagating and localized surface plasmons SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL
2012-12 Nanogap-based dielectric-specific colocalization for highly sensitive surface plasmon resonance detection of biotin-streptavidin interactions APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS
2012-11 Electromagnetic Near-Field Nanoantennas for Subdiffraction-Limited Surface Plasmon-Enhanced Light Microscopy IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics
2012-10 Enhanced image reconstruction of three-dimensional fluorescent assays by subtractive structured-light illumination microscopy JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION
2012-10 An experimental correlation study between field-target overlap and sensitivity of surface plasmon resonance biosensors based on sandwiched immunoassays OPTICS COMMUNICATIONS
2012-09 Polarization-extinction-based detection of DNA hybridization in situ using a nanoparticle wire-grid polarizer OPTICS LETTERS
2012-07 Field-matter integral overlap to estimate the sensitivity of surface plasmon resonance biosensors JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA A-OPTICS IMAGE SCIENCE AND VISION
2012-05 Development and characterization of piezoelectrically actuated corner cube retroreflectors for applications in free-space optical sensor network APPLIED OPTICS
2012-05 Piezoelectrically operated MEMS corner cube retroreflector for optical communications JOURNAL OF MICROMECHANICS AND MICROENGINEERING
2012-03 In Situ Fluorescence Optical Detection Using a Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) for 3D Cell-based Assays JOURNAL OF THE OPTICAL SOCIETY OF KOREA
2012-03 Nanoscale Localization Sampling Based on Nanoantenna Arrays for Super-resolution Imaging of Fluorescent Monomers on Sliding Microtubules SMALL
2012-02 Grating-based surface plasmon resonance detection of core-shell nanoparticle mediated DNA hybridization BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS
2011-08 생체분자와 필드의 동시국소화를 통한 플라스몬 센서의 감도향상 연구 한국광학회지
2011-06 Enhancement of localized surface plasmon resonance detection by incorporating metal-dielectric double-layered subwavelength gratings APPLIED OPTICS