논문 목록
Issue Date Title Journals
2024-12 MRGM: an enhanced catalog of mouse gut microbial genomes substantially broadening taxonomic and functional landscapes Gut Microbes
2024-06 Single-cell analysis reveals cellular and molecular factors counteracting HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancer immunotherapy outcomes Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer
2024-05 Transcriptomic and metabolomic analysis unveils nanoplastic-induced gut barrier dysfunction via STAT1/6 and ERK pathways Environmental Research
2024-02 CAGI, the Critical Assessment of Genome Interpretation, establishes progress and prospects for computational genetic variant interpretation methods Genome Biology
2024-01 Integrative single-cell characterization of a frugivorous and an insectivorous bat kidney and pancreas Nature Communications
2023-01 Imputation of single-cell transcriptome data enables the reconstruction of networks predictive of breast cancer metastasis Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
2023-01 scHumanNet: a single-cell network analysis platform for the study of cell-type specificity of disease genes Nucleic Acids Research
2023-01 Deletion of PD-1 destabilizes the lineage identity and metabolic fitness of tumor-infiltrating regulatory T cells Nature Immunology
2022-10 HiFi metagenomic sequencing enables assembly of accurate and complete genomes from human gut microbiota Nature Communications
2022-10 COVID-GWAB: A Web-Based Prediction of COVID-19 Host Genes via Network Boosting of Genome-Wide Association Data Biomolecules
2022-09 The nucleolus is the site for inflammatory RNA decay during infection Nature communications
2022-06 Viral coinfection promotes tuberculosis immunopathogenesis by type I IFN signaling-dependent impediment of Th1 cell pulmonary influx NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2022-01 HumanNet v3: an improved database of human gene networks for disease research Nucleic Acids Research
2022-01 The importance of enhancer methylation for epigenetic regulation of tumorigenesis in squamous lung cancer Experimental and Molecular Medicine
2021-12 Human reference gut microbiome catalog including newly assembled genomes from under-represented Asian metagenomes GENOME MEDICINE
2021-10 Dysregulation of TFH-B-TRM lymphocyte cooperation is associated with unfavorable anti-PD-1 responses in EGFR-mutant lung cancer NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2021-07 Chaperone-like protein DAY plays critical roles in photomorphogenesis NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2021-01 Systems biology analysis identifies TNFRSF9 as a functional marker of tumor-infiltrating regulatory T-cell enabling clinical outcome prediction in lung cancer Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
2020-11 Single-cell network biology for resolving cellular heterogeneity in human diseases EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE
2020-11 Tumor-infiltrating regulatory T-cell accumulation in the tumor microenvironment is mediated by IL33/ST2 signaling CANCER IMMUNOLOGY RESEARCH
2020-09 Genome-wide identification of differentially methylated promoters and enhancers associated with response to anti-PD-1 therapy in non-small cell lung cancer EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE
2020-06 Single-cell ATAC sequencing analysis: From data preprocessing to hypothesis generation Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
2020-03 BiomeNet: A database for construction and analysis of functional interaction networks for any species with a sequenced genome BIOINFORMATICS
2020-02 BarleyNet: A Network-Based Functional Omics Analysis Server for Cultivated Barley, Hordeum vulgare L. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE
2020-02 Single-cell transcriptome analysis reveals TOX as a promoting factor for T cell exhaustion and a predictor for anti-PD-1 responses in human cancer GENOME MEDICINE
2020-01 VirtualCytometry: a webserver for evaluating immune cell differentiation using single-cell RNA sequencing data BIOINFORMATICS
2019-08 NGSEA: Network-Based Gene Set Enrichment Analysis for Interpreting Gene Expression Phenotypes with Functional Gene Sets MOLECULES AND CELLS
2019-08 MaizeNet: a co-functional network for network-assisted systems genetics in Zea mays PLANT JOURNAL
2019-07 Network Integrative Genomic and Transcriptomic Analysis of Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae Strains Identifies Genes for Antibiotic Resistance and Virulence mSystems
2019-05 Pathway-specific protein domains are predictive for human diseases PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY
2019-02 A Genome-Scale Co-Functional Network of Xanthomonas Genes Can Accurately Reconstruct Regulatory Circuits Controlled by Two-Component Signaling Systems MOLECULES AND CELLS
2019-01 HumanNet v2: Human gene networks for disease research NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH
2018-07 Network-based genetic investigation of virulence-associated phenotypes in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2018-03 Direct Conversion of Mouse Fibroblasts into Cholangiocyte Progenitor Cells STEM CELL REPORTS
2018-02 araGWAB: Network-based boosting of genome-wide association studies in Arabidopsis thaliana SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2018-01 TRRUST v2: An expanded reference database of human and mouse transcriptional regulatory interactions NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH
2017-09 Functional gene networks based on the gene neighborhood in metagenomes ANIMAL CELLS AND SYSTEMS
2017-08 WheatNet: A genome-scale functional network for hexaploid bread wheat, Triticum aestivum MOLECULAR PLANT
2017-04 GWAB: a web server for the network-based boosting of human genome-wide association data NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH
2017-04 TomatoNet: A Genome-wide Co-functional Network for Unveiling Complex Traits of Tomato a Model Crop for Fleshy Fruits MOLECULAR PLANT
2017-03 Network perturbation by recurrent regulatory variants in cancer PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY
2017-02 From sequencing data to gene functions: co-functional network approaches ANIMAL CELLS AND SYSTEMS
2017-01 COEXPEDIA: exploring biomedical hypotheses via co-expressions associated with medical subject headings (MeSH) NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH
2017-01 SoyNet: a database of co-functional networks for soybean Glycine max NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH
2016-11 Function-driven discovery of disease genes in zebrafish using an integrated genomics big data resource NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH
2016-09 Microvesicles from brain-extract-treated mesenchymal stem cells improve neurological functions in a rat model of ischemic stroke SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2016-09 Weighted mutual information analysis substantially improves domain-based functional network models BIOINFORMATICS
2016-07 Generation of Integration-free Induced Neural Stem Cells from Mouse Fibroblasts JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY
2016-06 MUFFINN: cancer gene discovery via network analysis of somatic mutation data GENOME BIOLOGY
2016-05 Network-assisted investigation of virulence and antibiotic-resistance systems in Pseudomonas aeruginosa SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2016-05 A single gene of a commensal microbe affects host susceptibility to enteric infection NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2016-02 An integrated systems biology approach identifies positive cofactor 4 as a factor that increases reprogramming efficiency NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH
2016-01 MouseNet v2: a database of gene networks for studying the laboratory mouse and eight other model vertebrates NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH
2015-12 Systematic comparison of variant calling pipelines using gold standard personal exome variants SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2015-09 Co-Inheritance Analysis within the Domains of Life Substantially Improves Network Inference by Phylogenetic Profiling PLOS ONE
2015-08 Network-assisted approaches for human disease research ANIMAL CELLS AND SYSTEMS
2015-07 RiceNet v2: an improved network prioritization server for rice genes NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH
2015-07 FlyNet: a versatile network prioritization server for the Drosophila community NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH
2015-06 Pathway-Dependent Effectiveness of Network Algorithms for Gene Prioritization PLOS ONE
2015-06 TRRUST: a reference database of human transcriptional regulatory interactions SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2015-04 Editorial overview: Genome studies and molecular genetics: data-driven approaches to genotype-to-phenotype studies in crops CURRENT OPINION IN PLANT BIOLOGY
2015-04 Patterns of metabolite changes identified from large-scale gene perturbations in arabidopsis using a genome-scale metabolic network PLANT PHYSIOLOGY
2015-04 Network-assisted crop systems genetics: Network inference and integrative analysis CURRENT OPINION IN PLANT BIOLOGY
2015-03 Modes of interaction between individuals dominate the topologies of real world networks PLOS ONE
2015-03 Network-assisted genetic dissection of pathogenicity and drug resistance in the opportunistic human pathogenic fungus Cryptococcus neoformans SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2015-02 EcoliNet: a database of cofunctional gene network for Escherichia coli DATABASE-THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL DATABASES AND CURATION
2015-01 AraNet v2: an improved database of co-functional gene networks for the study of Arabidopsis thaliana and 27 other nonmodel plant species NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH
2014-07 MORPHIN: a web tool for human disease research by projecting model organism biology onto a human integrated gene network NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH
2014-07 WormNet v3: a network-assisted hypothesis-generating server for Caenorhabditis elegans NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH
2014-05 A showcase of future plant biology: moving towards next-generation plant genetics assisted by genome sequencing and systems biology GENOME BIOLOGY
2014-01 Complementarity between distance- and probability-based methods of gene neighbourhood identification for pathway reconstruction MOLECULAR BIOSYSTEMS
2014-01 YeastNet v3: a public database of data-specific and integrated functional gene networks for Saccharomyces cerevisiae NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH
2013-07 JiffyNet: a web-based instant protein network modeler for newly sequenced species NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH
2013-04 Network approaches to the genetic dissection of phenotypes in animals and humans ANIMAL CELLS AND SYSTEMS
2012-12 RIDDLE: Reflective diffusion and local extension reveal functional associations for unannotated gene sets via proximity in a gene network GENOME BIOLOGY
2012-04 Towards understanding how molecular networks evolve in plants CURRENT OPINION IN PLANT BIOLOGY
2012-02 Metabolomics as a hypothesis-generating functional genomics tool for the annotation of Arabidopsis thaliana genes of "unknown function" FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE
2011-11 Genetic dissection of the biotic stress response using a genome-scale gene network for rice PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
2011-09 Systematic prediction of gene function in Arabidopsis thaliana using a probabilistic functional gene network NATURE PROTOCOLS
2011-08 Probabilistic functional gene societies PROGRESS IN BIOPHYSICS & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
2011-07 Prioritizing candidate disease genes by network-based boosting of genome-wide association data GENOME RESEARCH
2011-04 Towards Establishment of a Rice Stress Response Interactome PLOS GENETICS
2010-10 Characterising and Predicting Haploinsufficiency in the Human Genome PLOS GENETICS
2010-09 Assessment of effectiveness of the network-guided genetic screen Molecular Biosystems
2010-08 Predicting genetic modifier loci using functional gene networks Genome research
2010-02 Rational association of genes with traits using a genome-scale gene network for Arabidopsis thaliana Nature Biotechnology
2009-10 Rational Extension of the Ribosome Biogenesis Pathway Using Network-Guided Genetics Plos Biology
2009-10 The planar cell polarity effector Fuz is essential for targeted membrane trafficking, ciliogenesis and mouse embryonic development Nature Cell Biology